Roast Pork Dinner (North Danville)
Roast Pork Dinner – Reservation Only – North Danville!
Elizabeth Sargent • Jamieson Rd, Danville
When: Feb 8, 2025, 5:30 PM
The North Danville Baptist Church will serve a Roast Pork Dinner on Sat., Feb. 8th. **PLEASE NOTE THIS IS BY RESERVATION ONLY! ~ Reservations due Wed., Feb. 5th!**
Seatings in the church dining room are 5:30pm & 6:30pm. Call Dianne 802-748-4038.
Locally delivered take-outs or pick up at the church. Call Judy 802-684-2046.
MENU: roast pork,, stuffing, mashed potato, gravy, coleslaw, maple-gglazed carrots, rolls, applesauce, dessert, & beverage.
COST: $15 for adults; $7 for children 12 yrs. & under; Pre-schoolers are free.
The proceeds are to be donated to The Old North Church, North Danville, VT
The North Danville Baptist Church is handicap accessible.